OLAC Record

Morning birdwalk, Zeri
Contributor (researcher):Professor Nicholas Evans
Dr. Chris Healey
Julia Colleen Miller
Contributor (speaker):Jimmy Nébni
Michael (Binzawa) Idaba
Coverage:Papua New Guinea
Morehead District, Western Province
Description:These recordings were collected during an morning birdwalk around the garden site, Zeri. The main local consultant was Jimmy Nébni, who wore a head-mounted microphone and provided commentary. Researchers Chris Healey, Nick Evans and Julia Colleen Miller elicited bird names and stories along the way. Bird song was also collected using a shotgun microphone. Many unnamed participants went on this walk. Key to the audio files naming (all audio tracks were recorded simultaneously using the 4 channel Zoom H4N): = audio track recorded using Zoom H4N's onboard stereo microphone. Content includes comments by those people near the main consultant. hm = AKG C520 headmounted mic for high quality recordings of Nen bird names and commentary. sg = Audio Tecnica AT8015 shotgun mic focusing on collecting bird song along the walk. hmsg = the blended track of the headmounted and shotgun track, with boosted volume for the birdsong. This creates a track with the birdsongs and commentary by the speaker. Track 03 contains a story in Nen about kaeko nests approx 36 minutes into track. Kaeko does not build its own nest. It takes over some other bird's nest. This story has been collected a couple of times. The amusing zo story is at the end of this final track and has been extracted, transcribed, and translated. Keywords: birds; mammals; insects
Identifier (URI):https://hdl.handle.net/1839/00-0000-0000-0022-3A65-5
Is Part Of:DoBeS archive : Morehead
Language (ISO639):eng
Publisher:The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Subject:English language
Nen language
Subject (ISO639):eng
Type (DCMI):Sound


Archive:  The Language Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0022_3A65_5
DateStamp:  2018-04-06
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Jimmy Nébni (speaker); Professor Nicholas Evans (researcher); Dr. Chris Healey (researcher); Michael (Binzawa) Idaba (speaker); Julia Colleen Miller (researcher). n.d. DoBeS archive : Morehead.
Terms: area_Europe area_Pacific country_GB country_PG dcmi_Sound dcmi_Text iso639_eng iso639_nqn

Inferred Metadata

Country: United KingdomPapua New Guinea
Area: EuropePacific

Up-to-date as of: Thu Jan 9 9:40:44 EST 2020