OLAC Record

Title:Origin of Kava
The origin of kava
Contributor (consultant):DM
Contributor (translator):AU
Description:The story explains the origin of the kava plant and its use as a drug. As two lovers who haven't had a single fight during their long and fulfilling marriage get old, the wife tells her husband one day that she feels she is going to die. She instructs him to bury her body nearby the house and that a plant is going to grow from her grave. When this plant has grown big, he should take its roots, grind them and mix them with water. Then he should invite all the chiefs of the area to drink. They should repeat this procedure each evening, and whenever they drink the kava, they should think of her. Thus, the drug is a token of her memory to her husband.
Identifier (URI):https://hdl.handle.net/1839/00-0000-0000-0021-6CDE-7
Is Part Of:DoBeS archive : West Ambrym Languages
Language:Daakaka; Dakaka
Language (ISO639):bpa
Publisher:The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Subject:Daakaka language
Subject (ISO639):bpa
Type (DCMI):Sound


Archive:  The Language Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0021_6CDE_7
DateStamp:  2018-04-05
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: DM (consultant); AU (translator). n.d. DoBeS archive : West Ambrym Languages.
Terms: area_Pacific country_VU dcmi_Sound dcmi_Text iso639_bpa

Inferred Metadata

Country: Vanuatu
Area: Pacific

Up-to-date as of: Thu Jan 9 9:06:54 EST 2020