OLAC Record

Videorecordings of Turkish subject retelling the story of the pear movie
Contributor (recorder):Asli Özyürek
Contributor (speaker):Subj27
Description:Pear story: A man is plucking pears from trees, standing on a ladder. He puts the pears in a bag, and drops one when he climbs down the ladder. He takes the pears out of his bag and puts them in baskets. He takes the pear he dropped, cleans it, and puts in a basket. He then gets up, wipes his knees and climbs the ladder again. In the meantime, a man with a goat approaches and walks by. A little later, a boy on a bicycle rides by. He gets off the bike and steals one of the baskets. The boy rides off with a basket of pears. He passes a girl who's also on a bike. When he looks at her, he bumps into a stone and falls. The pears are everywhere. When he tries to get up, he sees three boys staring at him. They help him to his feet and put the pears back in the basket. One of the boys plays a game with a bat and a ball. The boy who fell then moves on, the 3 boys head in another direction. On their way, one of the three boys finds the little boy's hat. He gives it back and gets 3 pears in return, which he shares with his friends. They move into the direction of the man who was plucking pears, who just got out of his tree and noticed that one basket is missing. The boys pass by and walk on.
Identifier (URI):https://hdl.handle.net/1839/00-0000-0000-0008-D6F0-0
Is Part Of:MPI corpora : Language and Cognition : Gesture Projects : Ozyurek
Language (ISO639):tur
Publisher:The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Subject:Turkish language
Subject (ISO639):tur
Type (DCMI):MovingImage


Archive:  The Language Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0008_D6F0_0
DateStamp:  2022-04-04
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Subj27 (speaker); Asli Özyürek (recorder). n.d. MPI corpora : Language and Cognition : Gesture Projects : Ozyurek.
Terms: area_Asia country_TR dcmi_MovingImage iso639_tur

Inferred Metadata

Country: Turkey
Area: Asia

Up-to-date as of: Tue Apr 5 7:37:57 EDT 2022