OLAC Record

Usos cotidianos del tehuelche (aonekko 'a'ien) - homenaje a Dora Manchado
Contributor (researcher):Maggie
Contributor (speaker):Dora
Description:En esta sesión repasamos frases sobre salud y enfermedad, tanto los nombres de algunas dolencias como expresiones en ese contexto: “me duele”, “me siento mal” y demás. El tema es útil, entre otras cosas, para chequear afijos de género. El video fue grabado en ruta hacia la Laguna Azul, cerca de Río Gallegos, el 31 de julio, donde habíamos ido con la intención de hacer un pic-nic. Fue la primera vez que no visitamos el lugar antes de llevar a Dora Manchado, y las cosas salieron mal. El acceso al cráter de la laguna está, justamente, cercado y no pudimos pasar. Esto, sumado al tema que veníamos tratando en el auto hicieron que la situación fuera muy tensa y tuvimos que interrumpir el trabajo. Algunas pocas frases que habían quedado sin ser elicitadas aparecen en el segundo video (grabado ya en la cocina de Dora, al día siguiente), pero ya fue muy difícil continuar con ese tema. In this session we reviewed phrases about health and illness, both the names of some affections and phrases to be used in that kind of context, like "it hurts me", "I feel bad" and so on. The topic is useful, among other things, for checking gender affixes and the use of pronouns. The video was recorded on the road to Laguna Azul (the Blue Pond), near Río Gallegos, on July 31, where we had gone with the intention of having a picnic. That was the first time we did not visit the place before going there with Dora Manchado, and things went wrong. The access to the crater of the lagoon is, obviously, fenced and we were not able to see the pond from the car. This unexpected fact, together with the issue that we were dealing with a couple of minutes before, made the situation very tense and we had to interrupt the work. A few sentences that had not been elicited appear in the second video (recorded already in Dora's kitchen, the next day), but it was already very difficult to continue with that topic.
Dora Manchado was regarded as the 'last speaker' of her language.
Nicolas Duval, BAC student on Anhtropology, Université de Montréal. He collaborated with the fieldwork, especially with filming and archiving, and much more.
Maggie Sood, MA in Documentary Linguistics, was a co-researcher in this project. She had already visited the community and worked with Dora Manchado in 2017, and had quickly gained her confidence.
Main researcher.
Identifier (URI):https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1285923%23
Publisher:Javier Domingo
Université de Montréal
Subject:word list elicitation
Tehuelche language
Spanish language
Subject (ISO639):teh


Archive:  Endangered Languages Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1285923
DateStamp:  2019-04-25
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Dora (speaker); Nicolas; Maggie (researcher); Javier (researcher). 2018-07-31. Javier Domingo.
Terms: area_Americas area_Europe country_AR country_ES iso639_spa iso639_teh

Inferred Metadata

Country: ArgentinaSpain
Area: AmericasEurope

Up-to-date as of: Mon Oct 18 17:27:19 EDT 2021