OLAC Record

Bibliographic Citation:Wilhelmus Ware, Methi, Maria (G.), Danerek, H. Stefan, Danerek, H. Stefan, Ratu, Hilarius; 2015-11-23; Genre: Medicine/huru: Wilhelmus Ware, kampong Habi, Woja domain, desa (village) Lidi, was recorded with the H4N Zoom by Maria Methi 23 Nov -15 in the afternoon. Methi had walked all the way from Mata mere, severa hours, with her mother Yuli from Mata Mere to Woja, to visit family and to record. This huru is almost as advanced/elaborated as Ware's 'huru te'e', with several steps, from the making of a container, like a 'dhibo', made from upper parts of bamboo 'hero' . The container is filled with water, closed with cotton, hanged ('teo') in the plantation and activated with "threats" ('pake'). Several different kinds of trees are done at the same time. If they notice that fruit has been stolen, it is time to cook the water in the 'dhibo', which will hurt the fruit thief. Symptom: Stomach pain. The cure is applied to the stomach: ginger, 'moro' and tobacco (plus carved bamboo fibers from the new 'dhibo'?), betel (sirih pinang) and lime. Like in 'huru te'e', before applying the chewed mixture, one first utters a 'bhulu wa'o' prayer and throw paddy grains behind the back toward the west. Music is heard playing in the background throughout the recording, and it sounds okay, but is disturbing in the end.Notes. lea, moro, mbako, hero. (huru wae. WW). Curse: steps, making of a container, like dhibo, made from upper parts of the bamboo hero. Fill with water, closed with cotton, hang in the plantation and activate with “threats” (pake). If notice that fruit has been stolen, boil the water in the dhibo, which will hurt the fruit thief. Symptom: Stomach pain, diarrhea. Cure,apply the chewed mixture to the stomach.; digital wav file recorded at 44,1 khz/16 bit, eaf file; Kaipuleohone University of Hawai'i Digital Language Archive;http://hdl.handle.net/10125/47854.
Contributor (consultant):Ratu, Hilarius
Contributor (depositor):Danerek, H. Stefan
Contributor (recorder):Methi, Maria (G.)
Contributor (researcher):Danerek, H. Stefan
Contributor (speaker):Wilhelmus Ware
Coverage (ISO3166):ID
Date (W3CDTF):2015-11-23
Description:Genre: Medicine/huru: Wilhelmus Ware, kampong Habi, Woja domain, desa (village) Lidi, was recorded with the H4N Zoom by Maria Methi 23 Nov -15 in the afternoon. Methi had walked all the way from Mata mere, severa hours, with her mother Yuli from Mata Mere to Woja, to visit family and to record. This huru is almost as advanced/elaborated as Ware's 'huru te'e', with several steps, from the making of a container, like a 'dhibo', made from upper parts of bamboo 'hero' . The container is filled with water, closed with cotton, hanged ('teo') in the plantation and activated with "threats" ('pake'). Several different kinds of trees are done at the same time. If they notice that fruit has been stolen, it is time to cook the water in the 'dhibo', which will hurt the fruit thief. Symptom: Stomach pain. The cure is applied to the stomach: ginger, 'moro' and tobacco (plus carved bamboo fibers from the new 'dhibo'?), betel (sirih pinang) and lime. Like in 'huru te'e', before applying the chewed mixture, one first utters a 'bhulu wa'o' prayer and throw paddy grains behind the back toward the west. Music is heard playing in the background throughout the recording, and it sounds okay, but is disturbing in the end.Notes. lea, moro, mbako, hero. (huru wae. WW). Curse: steps, making of a container, like dhibo, made from upper parts of the bamboo hero. Fill with water, closed with cotton, hang in the plantation and activate with “threats” (pake). If notice that fruit has been stolen, boil the water in the dhibo, which will hurt the fruit thief. Symptom: Stomach pain, diarrhea. Cure,apply the chewed mixture to the stomach.
Region: Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Habi, Woja domain. Desa Lidi.
Format:digital wav file recorded at 44,1 khz/16 bit
eaf file
Identifier (URI):http://hdl.handle.net/10125/47854
Language (ISO639):ple
Subject:Palu'e language
Subject (ISO639):ple
Table Of Contents:SD1-280.eaf
Type (DCMI):Sound
Type (OLAC):primary_text


Archive:  Kaipuleohone
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/47854
DateStamp:  2021-11-24
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Wilhelmus Ware (speaker); Methi, Maria (G.) (recorder); Danerek, H. Stefan (researcher); Danerek, H. Stefan (depositor); Ratu, Hilarius (consultant). 2015. Kaipuleohone.
Terms: area_Asia country_ID dcmi_Sound dcmi_Text iso639_ple olac_primary_text

Inferred Metadata

Country: Indonesia
Area: Asia

Up-to-date as of: Sun Sep 1 7:30:49 EDT 2024