OLAC Record

Bibliographic Citation:Meti Du'a, Danerek, Magnus, Danerek, H. Stefan, Danerek, H. Stefan; 2016-10-29; Genre: Personal narrative. Theme: Weaving. Meti Du'a recorded by Magnus Danerek with a Samsung 5S Neo mobile phone, before noon Friday 29 Oct -16, outside of her home. Meti and her weaver's group, family, had just finished four sarongs of a type we had never heard of: 'Cabu tedhene'. Meti Du'a tells the names of the different motifs on this sarong. She knew everyone, which is unusual. She was also interesting in dying a new 'dhama Cabu tedhene' with natural dyes, at least the indigo for the black (or dark blue). With SD and Pidu (Ebbe), members of Meti's family.; mp4 file, eaf file; Kaipuleohone University of Hawai'i Digital Language Archive;http://hdl.handle.net/10125/43695.
Contributor (depositor):Danerek, H. Stefan
Contributor (recorder):Danerek, Magnus
Contributor (researcher):Danerek, H. Stefan
Contributor (speaker):Meti Du'a
Coverage (ISO3166):ID
Date (W3CDTF):2017-02-14
Description:Genre: Personal narrative. Theme: Weaving. Meti Du'a recorded by Magnus Danerek with a Samsung 5S Neo mobile phone, before noon Friday 29 Oct -16, outside of her home. Meti and her weaver's group, family, had just finished four sarongs of a type we had never heard of: 'Cabu tedhene'. Meti Du'a tells the names of the different motifs on this sarong. She knew everyone, which is unusual. She was also interesting in dying a new 'dhama Cabu tedhene' with natural dyes, at least the indigo for the black (or dark blue). With SD and Pidu (Ebbe), members of Meti's family.
Region: Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Mata Mere, Keli domain.
Format:mp4 file
eaf file
Identifier (URI):http://hdl.handle.net/10125/43695
Language (ISO639):ple
Subject:Palu'e language
Subject (ISO639):ple
Table Of Contents:SD1-131.mp4
Type (DCMI):Sound
Type (OLAC):primary_text


Archive:  Kaipuleohone
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/43695
DateStamp:  2023-11-06
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Meti Du'a (speaker); Danerek, Magnus (recorder); Danerek, H. Stefan (researcher); Danerek, H. Stefan (depositor). 2017. Kaipuleohone.
Terms: area_Asia country_ID dcmi_Sound iso639_ple olac_primary_text

Inferred Metadata

Country: Indonesia
Area: Asia

Up-to-date as of: Sat Feb 15 6:33:26 EST 2025