OLAC Record

Bibliographic Citation:Danerek, H. Stefan, Danerek, H. Stefan, Vhara Kula; 2015-09-25; Genre: Ritual language. Title: Pa'e Tu De'e. Mr. Siu Tongge recites in ritual language, pa’e, the rat expulsion prayer (pa'e Tu de'u) to ward off the recurring rat pest. This rat pest expulsion is carried out about once every 5 years, or more seldom. From the beginning of the sentence to the final sentence, this traditional prayer is full of 'parallelistic' metaphors, namely binary words with special meanings in the context of two sentences in the pa'e ritual language. Recorded by Stefan (Cawa) on 25 September 2015 at the house of Mr. Siu Tongge, Dhure, Bako, Téo traditional domain, which is called by its pa’e name in the traditional prayer. Ind. Bapak Siu Tongge melafalkan do'a pengusiran tikus (pa'e Tu de'u) untuk mengusir hama tikus. Pengusiran hama tikus ini dilakukan sekitar 5 tahun sekali. Direkam oleh Stefan (Cawa) pada tanggal 25 september 2015 di rumahnya bapak Siu Tongge, Dhure, Bako, wilayah adat Téo, yang disebut dengan nama pa'enya dalam doa adat. Dari awal berkata sampai kalimat akhir, doa adat ini sarat dengan metafora 'parallelistik', yaitu kata-kata biner dengan arti khusus dalam konteks dwi-kalimat bahasa ritual pa'e.; Kaipuleohone University of Hawai'i Digital Language Archive;https://hdl.handle.net/10125/106325.
Contributor (recorder):Danerek, H. Stefan
Contributor (researcher):Vhara Kula
Contributor (speaker):Danerek, H. Stefan
Coverage (ISO3166):ID
Date (W3CDTF):2015-09-25
Description:Genre: Ritual language. Title: Pa'e Tu De'e. Mr. Siu Tongge recites in ritual language, pa’e, the rat expulsion prayer (pa'e Tu de'u) to ward off the recurring rat pest. This rat pest expulsion is carried out about once every 5 years, or more seldom. From the beginning of the sentence to the final sentence, this traditional prayer is full of 'parallelistic' metaphors, namely binary words with special meanings in the context of two sentences in the pa'e ritual language. Recorded by Stefan (Cawa) on 25 September 2015 at the house of Mr. Siu Tongge, Dhure, Bako, Téo traditional domain, which is called by its pa’e name in the traditional prayer. Ind. Bapak Siu Tongge melafalkan do'a pengusiran tikus (pa'e Tu de'u) untuk mengusir hama tikus. Pengusiran hama tikus ini dilakukan sekitar 5 tahun sekali. Direkam oleh Stefan (Cawa) pada tanggal 25 september 2015 di rumahnya bapak Siu Tongge, Dhure, Bako, wilayah adat Téo, yang disebut dengan nama pa'enya dalam doa adat. Dari awal berkata sampai kalimat akhir, doa adat ini sarat dengan metafora 'parallelistik', yaitu kata-kata biner dengan arti khusus dalam konteks dwi-kalimat bahasa ritual pa'e.
Region: Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Ko'a, Ko'a domain.
Identifier (URI):https://hdl.handle.net/10125/106325
Language (ISO639):ple
Subject:Palu'e language
Subject (ISO639):ple
Table Of Contents:SD1-328.wav
Type (DCMI):Sound
Type (OLAC):primary_text


Archive:  Kaipuleohone
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/106325
DateStamp:  2023-09-29
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Danerek, H. Stefan (speaker); Danerek, H. Stefan (recorder); Vhara Kula (researcher). 2015. Kaipuleohone.
Terms: area_Asia country_ID dcmi_Sound dcmi_Text iso639_ple olac_primary_text

Inferred Metadata

Country: Indonesia
Area: Asia

Up-to-date as of: Sat Feb 15 6:33:29 EST 2025