Speakers: Pius Tchinburur and John Nama
Location: Wadeye
Created: 03/11/93 and 04/11/93
Name on tape: Marringarr 3/11/93 and 4/11/93 | SIDE A: Marringarr // 3/11/93 (2), 4/11/93 (1) | SIDE B: 4/11/93 Marringarr
Corresponds to field notes: IG3-N04 (N04148 to N04162 [3/11/93], N04163 to N04173 [4/11/93])
Notes: first 15 minutes recorded with weak batteries, playback speed reduced; recording made on 4th November with new batteries. Language as given:
Digitised: yes
Media: FUJI DR-I 60, rehoused in EMTEC FEI60
Audio Notes: AUDIO NOTES: SIDE A: some clipping on original. Loud backgrond noise (kids, cats, etc). Audio balance shifts briefly at 5:50. around 13:55 everything becomes very sped up (high pitched). 16:14 3/11/93 ends 16:17 4/11/93 begins 19:36-20:01 plane passing overhead | SIDE B: Loud background noise (kids, etc)