Title on book: Complete Wordlists (W1) (4/90) Marrithiyel
Notebook corresponds to tapes:
Unknown, book title “Complete Wordlists (W1) (4/90) Marrithiyel” and content indicate it is likely this is a summary notebook and does not correspond to a recording.
. Language as given: Marrithiyel
Digitised: yes
Media: A4 exercise book, ruled faint.
Audio Notes: N11068-n11073 blank | N11075-n11078 loose leaf
N11102-n01127 blank | N11138 writing under glued sheet appears to read: IO Bound Pros | N11144: N11144_2 till N11144_4 are one long piece, attached to N11144_1 | N11171 is back inside back cover (last page in book)