OLAC Record

Title:Korean Sign Language Corpus
Contributor (sponsor):National Institute of Korean Language, Promotion Division of Special Languages
Korea National University of Welfare
Description:The Korean Sign Language Corpus is a collection of videos of Korean Sign Language signers from South Korea. The KSL Corpus Project started in 2015 and has been gradually expanded since then. Signers were presented to 13–18 tasks, some of which are based on the elicitation methods of the DGS Corpus Nishio et al. (2010) and were adapted to Korean deaf culture. The tasks used are: Sign Name, Jokes, Sylvester and Tweety, tie story, discussion, Warning and prohibition signs, What did you do when it happened, Subject areas, Lexical elicitation, Deaf events, picutre story, new vs. old sign, stories from deaf schools, hobbies, Your region, memorable day, and advantages and disadvantages of being deaf. One session lasted approximately three hours. Participants were sitting opposite each other in front of blue or green backgrounds. Three cameras were used. The project is hosted by the National Institute of Korean Language, Promotion Division of Special Languages.
Format:90 hours of recording
Subject:Corpus of Korean Sign Language
Korean Sign Language language
Subject (ISO639):kvk
Subject (OLAC):text_and_corpus_linguistics
Type (DCMI):Collection
Type (OLAC):primary_text


Archive:  The Sign Language Dataset Compendium
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/compendium.lr.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:compendium.lr.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de:kslcorpus
DateStamp:  2023-01-27
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: National Institute of Korean Language, Promotion Division of Special Languages (sponsor); Korea National University of Welfare (sponsor). n.d. The Sign Language Dataset Compendium.
Terms: area_Asia country_KR dcmi_Collection dcmi_MovingImage iso639_kvk olac_dialogue olac_primary_text olac_text_and_corpus_linguistics

Inferred Metadata

Country: South Korea
Area: Asia

Up-to-date as of: Wed Feb 19 6:45:06 EST 2025