OLAC Record

Title:Corpus of Finnish Sign Language
Contributor (sponsor):University of Jyväskylä
Description:The Corpus of Finnish Sign Language (CFinSL) is a collection of Finnish Sign Language and Finland-Swedish Sign Language from 104 signers of Finland. The Corpus of FinSL is based at the University of Jyväskylä and was constructed under the lead of Tommi Jantunen in a five-year project from 2013–2018. The recordings took place in a studio of the Audio-visual Research Centre filming two signers sitting opposite each other in front of a blue background. The recordings were made with seven HD cameras placed in five different angles. One camera filming the interviewer, one the total of the two signers, one the bird-view, one per signer filming in a 45-degree angle and one per signer for a close-up of the upper body. A native signer is leading through the tasks.
Format:91 hours recorded (estimate), 107000 tokens annotated
Identifier (URI):https://korp.csc.fi/download/cfinsl/
Subject:Multilingual sign language corpus
Finnish Sign Language language
Finland-Swedish Sign Language language
Subject (ISO639):fse
Subject (OLAC):text_and_corpus_linguistics
Type (DCMI):Collection
Type (OLAC):primary_text


Archive:  The Sign Language Dataset Compendium
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/compendium.lr.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:compendium.lr.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de:cfinsl
DateStamp:  2023-08-07
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: University of Jyväskylä (sponsor). n.d. The Sign Language Dataset Compendium.
Terms: area_Europe country_FI dcmi_Collection dcmi_MovingImage iso639_fse iso639_fss olac_dialogue olac_primary_text olac_text_and_corpus_linguistics

Inferred Metadata

Country: Finland
Area: Europe

Up-to-date as of: Wed Feb 19 6:45:03 EST 2025